Okay, here's what happened.
I was anonymous because I had cleaned out cookies and didn't notice my info wasn't included. Mistake two.
THEN...Oh.Dear.God.Help me. I went back to see if there was any response. Of course there was. Mistake three.
I let it bother me. Mistake four.
I could go on and on but I'll let you see for yourself... This is me -->
Okay.Oct. 29, 2006 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Anonymous
" I believe now with the evidence Jerry Bledsoe has presented..."
Is this the information the novelist Jerry Bledsoe is writing in the paper that bills
itself "All the Rumors Fit to Print?"Permanent Link
Oct. 30, 2006 - Untitled Comment
by BrendaFayBowers
Sorry No-Name but Jerry Bledsoe is known as an
investigative true-crime author and former reporter. He doesn’t write fiction.
But if you are one of those who choose to remain ignorant of the facts
concerning the GPD( and on a larger scale the whole of Greensboro/Guilford
politics) please don’t let me sway you. In fact I would advise you not to even
attempt to understand what I am saying because it is I am afraid simply beyond
your abilities.
Oh yes, thank you for stopping by my site. Visitors are
always welcome and comments are always given due consideration. Sincerely, BB
Let's take the statement "But if you are one of those who choose to remain ignorant of the facts concerning the GPD( and on a larger scale the whole of Greensboro/Guilford politics) ..." Can I get a witness? Please? Who out there wants to accuse me of being ignorant of GREENSBORO politics? Now, granted, due to mistake two, she didn't know who was writing the comment. But still. To go around calling people ignorant... That's uncalled for.
We've discussed civility in blogs before. While I can understand people's frustration at times, my comment did not warrant being called ignorant.
Nope, I don't choose to remain ignorant. In fact, I know quite a bit about what's going on, not only in this case but in many facets of Greensboro politics. I know a number of FACTS, something that has gotten lost amid the speculation, gossip, and innuendo.
If you are wondering why the "officials" remain so closed mouth, I would say that given the attention speculation and rumor mongering has gotten, this community has no clue what to do with the truth. In other words, you want the truth? You can't handle the truth.
And I won't be making a mistake five.